UN releases 2022 SDG Progress Report

ODFS Progress Report 2002

The latest UN report warns that the crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic, the climate emergency and the rise of conflicts in the world put at risk the achievement of the 17 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agreed in the 2030 Agenda.

According to the report, published on 7 July, the world is "on the brink of a critical situation" that requires a redoubling of efforts. These developments affect food security, education and health systems, the environment and peace, priorities in the SDG action plan for more resilient, egalitarian and peaceful societies in the coming years.

The report points out that this combination of crises could mean that between 75 and 95 million more people living in extreme poverty by 2022compared to pre-pandemic estimates.

Increasing inequalities

The evidence is clear. The pandemic has wiped out the equivalent of four years of progress against poverty. Rising inflation and the impact of the war in Ukraine have further derailed that pace of progress, and rising unemployment and worsening working conditions have led to 8 million more working people in poverty.

According to the agency's data, some 147 million children will miss more than half of face-to-face classes between 2020 and 2021, and the UN estimates that 24 million school-age children, from pre-school to university, are at risk of no longer returning to school, further deepening inequalities. in education.

Progress UN SDGs
The pandemic, inflation and the war in Ukraine have increased inequalities, according to the UN.

In 2021, emissions increased by 6%

With regard to the climate crisisThe report warns that "our window to avoid climate catastrophe is closing fast".

Emissions increased by 6% in 2021emissions, reaching their highest historical level and counteracting the declines experienced during confinement. An increase that could be increased by almost 14% in the next decade, in breach of the Paris Agreement emissions by 2050. Added to this is the continuing rise in global temperatures, which is leading to a more extreme climate. 

UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Liu Zhenmin said the roadmap spelled out in the SDGs is clear. The proposals have a cascading effect because "when we take action to strengthen social protection systems, improve public services and invest in clean energy, we address the underlying causes of growing inequality, environmental degradation and climate change at the same time.

The Sustainable Development 2022 report provides data collected from more than 200 countries, and makes the case for transformative action by countries as a matter of urgency to achieve the SDGs.

The full report is available for download.

Impact investment consolidates in Spain with Spain NAB

Press release Spain Lab

After two and a half years of work, SpainNAB, the Impact Investment Advisory Board, has been formed as an Association with the incorporation of 28 organisations and independents, including the sustainability and business impact consultancy Transcendent..

SpainNABThe Advisory Council for Impact Investment in Spain has been formed as an Association with the incorporation of 28 independent organisations and individuals to continue to drive the impact investment market in our country.

Among the organisations that have joined are Transcendentrepresented by Ana Ruizsaid the consultancy's partner. "We are very happy to become part of SpainNAB to build an ecosystem committed to impact investment in our country along with 28 other companies, organisations and leaders in the Impact Economy. At Transcendent we want to contribute to promoting and consolidating an economy that generates positive social and environmental impact", says Ana Ruiz.

These additions join a strategic project for the country that emerged in June 2019 with the accession of Spain to the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG). Thus, in the current context of recovery and transition towards a fairer, more sustainable and equitable economy,

SpainNAB is consolidating its position as the leading organisation in Spain for the promotion of impact investment, a necessary tool to achieve a capitalism in which positive and measurable social and environmental impact is integrated into all economic and financial decisions.

Important developments since 2019

SpainNAB was born as a 16-person advisory board in June 2019 with the accession of Spain to the GSG. This council is today constituted as the SpainNAB Association and incorporates 12 new individuals and organisations, bringing the total to 28.

The GSG is an initiative that emerged in 2013 in the framework of the British presidency of the G8. It is chaired by the father of impact investing, Sir Ronald Cohenis the main global platform to promote this type of investment, of which 34 countries and the European Union are already members.

The achievements of more than two years of work can be measured in figures. Spain's accession to the GSG was a catalyst for the growth of impact investment in our country, reaching a figure of 2,378 million euros of managed capital in 2020, which represents a growth of 26% compared to the previous year.

The market has not only grown in numbers, but also in the number and nature of actors. An ambitious Action Plan, networking and the generation of cutting-edge knowledge have been fundamental parts of SpainNAB's success to date.

A new era for impact investment

The formation of SpainNAB comes at a pivotal moment for impact investing. In the midst of an unprecedented climate and social crisis, the G7 once again tasked the GSG with coordinating a working group, the Impact Taskforce, to draw up a roadmap to accelerate the volume and effectiveness of private capital seeking to have a positive social and environmental impact.

SpainNAB has participated in the work of this group and has been recognised with the inclusion of two pioneer Spanish cases in the recommendations report of the G7.

"We must take advantage of the momentum The current situation is a great opportunity to take impact investment to the next level, hand in hand with the entire ecosystem and with a clear role for the public sector as a catalyst for the market, as has happened in European countries such as France, Portugal, Italy and Germany," explains Juan Bernal, president of SpainNAB.

Spain Nab Ana Ruiz

Sustainable Development Report Europe 2021

Cereal field

The Sustainable Development Report Europe 2021The report, produced by a team of independent researchers from the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), in collaboration with SDSN Europe and the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), ranks Spain 20th out of 165 countries in terms of sustainable development.  

Our country has moved up several places since the 2018 report, ahead of other European countries such as Portugal, Italy, Greece, Malta and Hungary, but behind France, Croatia and the United Kingdom. Once again this year, the ranking is headed by three Nordic countries: Finland, Sweden and Denmark. 

The report takes as its basis the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by UN member states in 2015. These global goals aim to improve people's lives and move towards sustainable development that takes into account the interconnection between environmental protection, social inclusion and economic growth. 

What does the Sustainable Development Report Europe 2021 highlight?

Among the main findings and analyses, the report highlights several milestones

  • For the first time since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, progress on the SDGs is stalled as a result of the global pandemic crisis. 
  • Developing countries need greater fiscal facilities for recovery efforts. There are four ways to achieve this goal: improving monetary mechanisms, improving tax collection, boosting financial intermediation through multilateral development banks, and debt relief. 
  • The pandemic reinforces the 2030 Agenda as the international consensus guide for inclusive and sustainable global recovery, which implies maintaining and reinforcing commitments to the SDGs to accelerate the necessary transformations. 
  • The "Decade of Action" (the 10-year period to reach the SDG deadline) requires a strong multilateral system, so international spillovers, such as unsustainable supply chains or import gas emissions, must be addressed. 

Situation in Spain 

In the 2021 report, Spain ranks 20th in the global ranking for sustainable development, up two places from the previous year and slightly improving its performance from 78.1% to 79.5% (considering the total scope of the SDGs at 100%). 

In the SDG Index, the best results correspond to SDG 1 (Zero poverty), SDG 3 (Health and well-being), SDG 4 (Quality education) and SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy). In other goals, challenges such as the prevalence of obesity, dietary mismatches and CO2 emissions remain in place in our country. However, the number of critical indicators is significantly reduced from 7 in 2019 to 3 in 2021. 

The report also includes a trend analysis that indicates whether or not we are on the right track. Here, the development forecasts for Spain are mixed. On the one hand, development is positive in SDG 1 and SDG 5 (gender equality), which are on track to be achieved. But on the other hand, Spain doubles the SDGs in which it is stagnating, mainly affecting the reduction of inequalities (SDG 10) and underwater life (SDG 14). SDG 15 (Terrestrial Ecosystems) has suffered the greatest regression. Persistent challenges under this goal include the protection of aquatic and terrestrial areas with high levels of biodiversity and species survival. 

In 2020, for the first time, Europe will fall behind in meeting the SDGs 

The pandemic halted progress towards achieving the SDG targets in Europe and elsewhere by 2020, reducing life expectancy and increasing poverty and unemployment rates in many countries.  

For the first time since the adoption of the SDGs in 2015, the average SDG index score in the EU did not increase in 2020; in fact, it decreased slightly mainly due to the negative impact of the pandemic on life expectancy, poverty and unemployment.  

Sustainable Development Europe 2021

The big challenges for Europe 

Europe faces its greatest SDG challenges in the areas of sustainable food and agriculture, climate and biodiversity (SDG 2, 12-15), in strengthening the convergence of living standards in its countries and regions, and needs to accelerate progress on many goals, the report acknowledges.  

Finland tops the SDG 2021 index for European countries (and the world), as it was less affected by the COVID-19 pandemic than most other EU countries. It is followed by two northern European countries: Sweden and Denmark. However, like the rest of Europe, these countries face significant challenges in achieving the SDG targets in the areas of sustainable food and agriculture, climate and biodiversity.  

The pace of progress on many targets is generally too slow to achieve the SDGs by 2030 and the Paris Climate Agreement by 2050. Candidate countries are performing well below the EU average, even though they were already making progress before the pandemic. 

Find out more about sustainability in business in Transcendent!

The 23 Spanish companies that lead the world

Spanish companies of change

Whether we like it or not, our company influences and contributes positively (or negatively) to a better world. Whether we like it or not, we may be singled out to join a club that we have not chosen to join for the justified or unjustified reason that our company is seen as a leader and/or exemplary to others for a variety of reasons, whether based on turnover or number of employees, perhaps because of the sector in which we operate or the community we serve, our type of product or customer base, or perhaps because of the significant influence of our brand. Whatever the case, we companies leave our mark on the world. But which ones leave a footprint for a better world? And what is or how do we define a better world? In the following article we will analyse which Spanish companies are leading the world and how they can help create a better world.

A better world is defined by the United Nations in a perhaps simplistic but undoubtedly accurate way, as one in which economic growth is sustainable, responsible and respectful of the planet, contributing to the improvement of people's lives and leaving no one behind. 

This objective is set out in the well-known 17 Sustainable Development Goals contained in the United Nations 2030 Agenda, which came into being in 2015. At that time there were 15 years left, which were long for some and short for many, and which today, 9 years down the line, are overwhelmingly short for the great challenges of humanity reflected every day in the news that reach us: from a child dying on the beaches of our coasts, men and women freezing cold on the border of Poland and Belarus, women without the right to work, girls who cannot go to school or parents with their children on their shoulders crossing rivers where they risk their lives in the hope of a better future.

Only business can lead change 

Suddenly, and exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, surveys show that business is perceived as the leader of change and therefore the hope for achieving these goals.  

Neither governments nor NGOs have the resources to invest the 90 billion euros needed to achieve them. And let's be honest, it is not these that have the biggest impact on people and the planet. It is business. 

Just as Covid arrived, in 2018 the WBA was created, a non-profit organisation inspired by the values of the United Nations. If society's hope lies in business, it is business that should become the engine of the change and transformation we need. And something had to be done. If they are the engine, where is the fuel to start it up and drive it to arrive in good shape and on time?  

The World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA): The Race to the Top

This fuel is the WBA. The WBA is a foundation born in the Netherlands (a country par excellence pioneer and benchmark in sustainability and impact) with the support of the Dutch government and 20 global entities spread around the world willing and united around a mission: to drive the private sector's race towards the SDGs.  

The ranking of the 2000 companies that lead the world 

The first milestone was not an easy one: choosing the 2000 most influential companies in the world capable of contributing the most to the world's development. Millennium Development Goals. Send a letter to their CEOs informing them that they were going to be part of a World Ranking that the whole world, consumers, investors, governments, ordinary citizens, would know the results through a big campaign in the media and social networks worldwide and ask for their collaboration in the process.  

The second milestone, the result of an in-depth and rigorous study, was to identify the 7 indices or benchmarks, which respond to the 7 transformational elements that our system needs to be responsible and sustainable. The social transformation (human rights and gender) that affects the 2000 companies, and six other elements or transformations where companies can be rated in 1 or several, depending on the materiality of the impact generated by their business. These are: nature and biodiversity; urban or smart cities; agriculture and nutrition; energy and decarbonisation; digital inclusion and finance. It is in these areas that business innovation can become a key value.

A third milestone remained, which was not going to be easier because it was the last one. Generating a roadmap that would lead the way by offering tools and support to companies to take action. The journey? Transforming and adjusting their business model to generate measurable and manageable economic, social and environmental value that contributes to one or more development objectives. In short, contributing with innovative solutions so that the generation of goods and services by companies would have a deeper meaning than just producing, selling and consuming them. 

Benchmarking for a Better World

You don't choose to be a WBA company 

Nobody asked these 2,000 companies if they wanted to be part of this ranking of business leadership. So, to motivate them to collaborate and get involved, the WBA provided them with its methodologies, tools and roadmaps to achieve two goals: the 2030 Agenda and a carbon neutral economy. The incentive? To lead the top positions in the World Ranking and to be perceived as the best company for a better world. 

The 23 Spanish companies that lead the world 

Well, of these 2000 companies, 23 are Spanish. The list is made up of Acciona, ACS, CaixaBank, Telefónica, Banco Santander, BBVA, El Corte Inglés, Mercadona, Inditex, Cepsa, Iberdrola, Nueva Pescanova, Indra, Naturgy, Ebro Foods, FCC, Ferrovial, Grupo Logística, Meliá, Renfe, Repsol, Siemens Gamesa and Urbaser.   

The 23 companies that lead the world
The 23 Spanish companies in the WBA ranking

And all of a sudden, these 23 Spanish companies of different sizes, sectors and market capitalisation are now part of the club of companies that lead the world. And they lead the world because the WBA, today constituted as an alliance of more than 250 entities worldwide, has singled them out as the most influential, not to tell them what to do, but to accompany them along the way, offering light and being a guide on the exciting journey of achieving and contributing decisively to the Millennium Goals by creating a world that leaves no one behind. In this sense, they are companies concerned about the social impact of their business with entire teams dedicated to carry out sustainable business strategies.

2023: Publication date of the first World Rankings 

The publication of the indices and the transformation effort of the 2000 companies will be made public in the second half of 2023. We have only months to go. Governments, suppliers, investors, employees, consumers and ordinary citizens will have the opportunity to see the World Ranking of the most sustainable companies committed to the common good.  

To raise awareness of the WBA project, the Impact Forum - a benchmark event on impact in Spain led by the Foundation Ship2B - organised a session where together with Victoria Márquez-MeesThe WBA, a leading member of the WBA Board of Trustees, unveils the opportunity that the WBA represents for the 23 Spanish companies selected for the Ranking. 

Our wish from Transcendent is that Spanish companies lead the first positions of the Ranking. Some companies such as Telefónica have achieved the first position in the Digital Inclusion ranking. As allies and partners of the WBA, we want the 23 Spanish companies to lead the WBA Ranking, thus demonstrating their commitment to sustainability and the SDGs and that many other companies, seeing their example, effort and success, follow their legacy. 

Whether we like it or not, our company influences and contributes positively to a better world. That is our purpose and our raison d'être at Transcendent. Help companies to transcend and leave their mark on the society they serve and why not? To lead the World Ranking of the companies most committed to people and the planet. 

The remaining challenges after the Climate Summit

The Climate Summit

Although more was expected from this climate summit, as Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary-General for Communication for the United Nations, has said, "...the climate summit was a success.there is still hope". 

The latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that, unless greenhouse gas emissions are reduced immediately, rapidly and on a large scale, limiting warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels as set out in the Paris Agreement six years ago, will be an unattainable goal. That is what this summit sought to achieve, and despite the lukewarmness or total lack of commitment on the part of some states, progress has been made. 

Agreements adopted at the Climate Summit

The Glasgow Climate Summit has brought with it some agreements that reflect a growing awareness of the urgent need to take a step forward to avoid environmental disaster.

These are some of the compromises that have been reached in the Climate Summit:

  • US-China bilateral agreement to help reduce CO2 and methane emissions and combat illegal deforestation.
  • More than 100 countries, including the US and the European Union, agree to reduce methane emissions by 30% by 2030. China has refused to go along because it says it has its own plan.
  • Agreement between more than 20 countries, including the United States, Canada, Spain and Italy, to end public funding and subsidies for fossil fuels before the end of 2022. China, Japan and South Korea have not signed.
  • 110-country agreement to stop deforestation by 2030.
  • The International Sustainability Standards Boardwhich will enable companies to adopt harmonised and comprehensive environmental, social and governance reporting criteria.
  • Countries accounting for 90% of global GDP have committed to the carbon neutrality in 2050. China postpones the target to 2060 and India to 2070.
  • The Beyond Oil and Gas Partnership (BOGA), which proposes phasing out the production of both fuels, although it currently has only 12 members.

The issue of the price of emissions

However, this progress contrasts with the lack of concreteness on some key issues. This is particularly the case for so-called double counting in the carbon market. 

Today there are around 60 different initiatives to put a price on CO2. The problem is that they only cover about 20% of the world's total emissions and their average price is too low (about $3 per tonne). 

The International Monetary Fund recently estimated that the price should be around 75 dollars per tonne, that in the regulated European market it is around 60 euros and that the US government estimated the social cost of carbon at around 50 dollars per tonne.

Pricing of CO2 emissions is an efficient way forward in reducing emissions because it discourages CO2 intensive activities and encourages companies to move towards decarbonisation.

Some companies - just over 20% of the world's largest - have set internal carbon prices, allowing them to take carbon into account in assessing the suitability of their projects and the impact of emissions on their accounts. The problem is that companies generally also set an excessively low price per tonne, well behind their foreseeable evolution. This means that the information provided by the internal price is not sufficiently clear.

Although in the Conference of the Parties 26 (COP) has not been much talked about, a global price on carbon will eventually be imposed. In the meantime, Spanish companies should start asking themselves what would happen to their accounts and the profitability of their projects if they had to pay for carbon. Sooner rather than later they will end up doing so.

Along these lines, the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, has announced that beyond the mechanisms established in the Paris Agreement, he will create a Group of Experts to propose clear standards for measuring and analysing net zero commitments for any organisation that is not a State.

China takes a step forward

One of the most important events to come out of this climate summit was undoubtedly the signing of the climate peace agreement between China and the United States. The heads of the delegations of both nations presented a joint declaration in which they commit themselves to work to accelerate during this decade the fight against climate change

Among the most important points of the pact reached by both powers is the commitment of the Asian country to present a comprehensive plan for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions within the next year a comprehensive plan for the reduction of its methane emissions, a powerful greenhouse gas responsible for about 25% of current warming.

The agreement is relevant because both countries account for about 40% of global emissions: China 27% and the US 11%. And their commitments for this decade are very different. The US, with the arrival of Joe Biden in the White House, has committed to practically halving its emissions by 2030. China, however, so far only maintains the commitment to reach its peak emissions by 2030 and thereafter to reduce them. 

Iran and Brazil look the other way

On the geopolitical front, the positioning - or lack thereof - of some countries is noteworthy.. This is the case of Brazil, whose president has decided not to stop deforestation in the Amazon and rejects climate change from a scientific point of view; Iran, which is the sixth largest emitter in the world and has not even ratified the Paris Agreement yet. Or Australia, Mexico and Turkey are also in a grey zone that would not belong to them. 

Climate Summit stocktaking 

In short, the Glasgow climate summit fell short in its ambitions to revitalise the fight against climate change. In any case, it is just as important to accelerate and intensify environmental policies as it is to respect the commitments already made by the various countries. 

Sir David Attenborough, in his speech to COP26 in Glasgow

According to the organisation's projections Climate Action Tracker, if each and every one of the announced targets (mandatory and voluntary, long-term and NDCs) is met, the temperature rise by the end of the century could be limited to 1.8°C, not far from the 1.5°C target set in the Paris Agreement. But that is surely too optimistic. The road ahead is long and difficult, and it remains to be seen whether the target will eventually be met.

We tell you more in our Stay Curious section!

Impact Forum: The 2000 most influential companies, according to WBA.

Maria Herrero Transcendent consultant

The World Benchmarking Alliancea panel dedicated to the 2000 most influential companies for a better world, 23 of which are Spanish, has closed the Impact Forum of this year

Victoria Márquez-Mees, member of the WBA Board of Trustees and board member of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBDR), and María Herrero, partner at Transcendenthave closed the Impact Forum 2021 which, as every year, organises Ship2BOnce again this year it was one of the benchmark events of the Impact Economy.

For the closing session of the event, both directors focused their speeches on the role of business in the Impact Economicsthrough the rankings compiled by the World Benchmarking Alliance of the United Nations (WBA).

These rankings include 7 drivers, from the social driver (in which all companies participate) to other more specific sectoral drivers such as Nature, Financial System, Agriculture and Food, Digital Inclusion, Energy and Climate and Urban.

These rankings include the 2000 companies that have been considered, according to Márquez-Mees, the most influential in their respective sectors around the world "either for their sales, or for their production chain, or for their footprint in a developing country, or for their impact on the supply chain...".

The 23 Spanish companies included in the Ranking

Of these 2000 companies that have been chosen in their different sectors, 23 are Spanish and the publication of the indices and the transformation efforts of these 2000 companies will be made public in 2023.

With less than ten years to go before we all reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)The question is, what role do companies want to play? Because business has become the engine of change and sustainability indices, including the WBA, are a lever to drive this transformation.

In 2023 the World Benchmarking Alliance make public the data of these 2000 companies, so that governments, suppliers, investors, employees, consumers and citizens can have access to the World Ranking of the most sustainable companies committed to the common good.

"Our wish is for Spanish companies to lead the ranking".said María Herrero who, together with Victoria Márquez-Mees, agreed on a call to action so that these 23 large Spanish companies accelerate to be at the forefront of this unprecedented race, but which will mark a before and after in the business model of leadership.

The latest business report on achieving SDG 2: Zero Hunger

Access to Seeds Index

This third edition of the Access to Seeds Index o Access to Seeds Index, assesses 67 companies for their efforts to make their products available to smallholder farmers in three regions: South and Southeast Asia, East and Southern Africa, and West and Central Africa.

The World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) has published the results of this year's Access to Seeds Index. This index assesses the contribution of agricultural companies to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger. The index shows the performance of 32 large companies in West and Central Africa and 32 companies in Eastern and Southern Africa.

As smallholder farmers are the main food producers in lower income countries, their access to good quality seed of improved varieties is an essential element in ensuring that people in these regions have access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food. Seed companies play a key role in ensuring this access.

The Access to Seeds Index 2021 shows that, as a whole, companies are offering diversified crop portfolios with more resilient crops to support smallholder farmers facing climate change. Compared to 2019, more companies have been identified as investing in good agronomic practices for smallholder farmers to increase crop yields.

Improved management has also been identified due to the use of new technologies to communicate with small-scale farmers in remote areas, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there is a lack of training programmes targeting the new generation of farmers, especially women.

To find out more about the Access to Seeds Index, please click here. here. Find out more on our blog!

European SDG Summit 2021, the European summit to advance the SDGs

Summit SDG Europe

From 11 to 15 October, CSR Europe welcomes the European SDG Summit 2021.

In the face of the climate crisis and weakened social cohesion, this summit is a collective and widespread call for mobilisation, leadership and collective action to build a prosperous and inclusive society while pursuing a green and digital transition, according to the organisers themselves.

Among the activities planned for the European SDG Summit 2021In addition, action-oriented dialogues between business leaders, sectoral associations, civil society and European policy makers; 4 high-level plenary sessions; 26 SDG roundtables to broaden collaboration in achieving the SDGs; and 500 speakers from different sectors.

In addition, following the launch of the European Pact for Sustainable Industry - a public campaign to make the European Green Deal and its Climate Pact a success - this year CSR Europe is launching the first ever Sustainable Industry Barometer, together with Moody's Vigeo Eiris.

The Barometer will provide data on the level of sustainability and maturity of European industry federations, demonstrating the progress made and where further efforts are needed. 

The European SDG Summit 2021 is online and to access it you can register here.

Find out more in the Transcendent blog!

Sustainable Development Goals developed by a company

Sustainable Development Goals

The Insights team at B Lab Global has just published SDG Insight Report 2021a report that looks at where companies are prioritising their actions around the SDGs, how they are performing and what they are looking to improve.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The measures on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by business risk stagnating. At the same time, the challenges facing the planet are getting worse, meaning that business performance towards achieving the SDGs is falling further and further behind. With less than a decade to achieve them, a course correction is needed, and business has a critical role to play in accelerating the pace of achieving the SDGs.

The Insights team of B Lab Global has produced a report taking an in-depth look at where companies are prioritising their actions on the SDGs, how they are being implemented and what they are looking to improve.

Among the conclusions of the report, it is worth highlighting the confirmation that companies need to be more ambitious and strategic in their actions on the Sustainable Development Goals if we hope to achieve them by 2030.

You can download the full report and read more about this report here videoFind out more about sustainable business development in our blog!

BforPlanet, a boost to the SDGs from the corporate sphere


On 7 and 8 July, the Montjuïc exhibition centre of Fira de Barcelona will host the first edition of the BforPlanetan event to promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (UN) in the private sector.

The meeting, which will revolve around 5 thematic axes: partnerships, sustainable growth, climate action, innovation and social inclusion, will be attended by independent experts, senior representatives of international institutions and organisations, and private sector executives. All of them will address sustainability and the implementation of the SDGs in the business world.

In this first edition of BforPlanet Among others, Luis Felipe López-Calva, Director for Latin America and the Caribbean at UNDP (UN); Augusto López-Claros, Director of Global Indicators and Analysis at the World Bank; Yolanda García, member of the Directorate-General for Energy at the European Commission; Rodolfo Lacy, Director of Environment at the OECD; Yolanda Kakabadse, former President of WWF and former Minister of the Environment of Ecuador; Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Global Leader for Climate and Energy at WWF; Cristina Sánchez, Executive Director of the Spanish network of the United Nations Global Compact; Marcello Palazzi, co-founder of B Lab Europe; Ana Palencia, Director of Communication and Sustainable Business at Unilever; and Joan Roca, chef at Celler de Can Roca.

Find out more about corporate sustainable development at our blog!
