Bcorp Transcendent Team

Transcendent is now a B Corp. company Business Beyond Profit

As of today Transcendent is a B Corp company. For us it has a double meaning because it not only formally validates our interest and commitment to being a company with high social, environmental and governance standards, but also reinforces our raison d'être, which is to help our clients put their impact at the heart of their business and use it as a lever to improve their business results. 

Before we had a name for our consultancy 4 years ago we already knew that Transcendent had to be a B Corp company. We attended our first B Corp event in October 2017 at the B Good Day held in Matadero, Madrid. In spring 2018 we were already helping our first client with an initial impact assessment. 

Members of the first team of B multipliers in Spain

We were part of the first group of B multipliers in Spain in 2018. B multipliers are made up of BLab, the founding creator of B Corp, as drivers and change agents that help transition large, medium and small companies to new impactful business models, primarily through the B Corp impact measurement tool. Today 75% of our team is a B multiplier. 

In 2019, B Corp became the first of our clients to be certified and currently a relevant part of our business is to accompany companies in their initial analysis process and preparation for certification.

We have experience in B Corp projects with companies with very varied profiles: from some with sales of less than one million euros to others with a turnover of more than 1,000 million euros. We work in many sectors (retail, finance, pharma, telco, ...) and with companies that have their core in different areas of the value chain, from production to distribution or sale of products and services. We can say with certainty from our experience that the B Corp assessment is useful for any company.

Prescribers for more than 80 companies

We have presented the B Corp movement to more than 80 companies. At first many managers saw it as a secondary, risky or "not very serious" movement, and it is curious how in the last few months and despite, or because of the damned Covid, many companies are connecting with us to take up proposals from a long time ago.  

The strength of B Corp today is undeniable. It has agreements with United Nations Global Compact by incorporating the SDGs into its assessment, it has recently made public its agreement with GRI and more and more large corporations are showing interest in certification.

Certified companies BCorp meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance, public transparency and corporate responsibility to balance profit with purpose.

Interest in the B Corp movement continues to grow exponentially and there are already more than 100,000 companies registered for its impact assessment worldwide. However, only 600 in Europe and 3,800 in the world have been able to achieve certification. These numbers show that it is not easy to achieve more than 80 points in their impact assessment.

And as of today we are a B Corp company. The journey to this point in itself has been worthwhile, and very worthwhile. When companies approach us about certification we always talk about one immediate benefit of doing the initial assessment, whether or not you achieve certification, which is the generation of a roadmap with suggestions for improvement for your company regardless of where it is on its journey to business impact. 

Our claim at Transcendent is Business Beyond Profit and all the B Corp companies in the world fit in with it!

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