The Tatiana Foundation's Young Civic Leaders program for young people with an impact vocation is organizing a debate on Impact Economics as a lever for changing things.
The program Young Civic Leaders, a program of the Tatiana Foundation aimed at young people between 23 and 29 years old with different professional careers and different professional profiles who want to impact society with civic leadership, has organized a talk on Impact Economics.
The meeting will serve to learn more about Impact Economics, from the venture philanthropy, which supports projects with a clear vocation for impact through a hybrid model between philanthropy and investment, to sustainability and business impact consulting, which supports traditional companies in their transition to more sustainable business models with greater social impact.
María Ángeles León (co-founder and president of Open Value Foundation) and Ángel Pérez Agenjo (managing partner of Transcendent) will discuss impact economics as a channel to change things, an initiative associated with the Young Civic Leaders program of the Tatiana Foundation.
The debate will take place on June 14th at 19h at the Smart Space on Francisco Ricci street, 11.
Because based on a clear and integrated purpose in organizations, generating impact and incorporating sustainability criteria in the company are challenges that cannot be postponed.