Materials, Industry and Construction

The green transition to a climate-neutral economy and technological advances are shaping trends in the sector. These changes pose a number of risks as well as opportunities to increase profitability and create greater shared value in the environment.
  • Energy consumption high.
  • Issuance of greenhouse gases.
  • Management of the water: water costs and reduced availability in areas of scarcity.
  • Generation and management of waste.
  • Loss of biodiversity and ecosystem disruption.
  • Dependence on scarce materials and/or the procurement of which creates ecological problems.
  • Management of LIFE CYCLE of the products.
  • Health and safety of workers.
  • Use of minerals whose production generates social conflicts or harm to local communities.
  • Need to rethink the business model and cost which it involves.
  • Investment high R&D&I for technology development and risk of failed investments.
  • Management of the supply chain.
  • Innovation for negative impact mitigation and emission reductions.
  • Technology development for process optimisation and energy efficiency.
  • Cross-cutting role to drive the transition in other sectors.
  • Capacity for multi-sectoral influence.
  • Transition to Industry 4.0 and incorporation of new technologies: IoT, Big Data, AI, robotics...
  • Investment in renewable energies.
  • Boosting the circular economy.
  • Access to sources of funding sustainable clean energy projects.
  • Alliances with strategic partners.
We provide expertise and support to help mitigate risks and seize opportunities specific to this sector.


Defining the business purpose

and incorporation into the company's activity.

Materiality analysis:

identification of the sustainability issues that generate the greatest risks and opportunities.

Strategic sustainability plan

setting objectives, indicators and actions to achieve them.

Responsible supply chain management:

GHG emissions, water use, waste generation, labour practices...

Emission reduction plan:

objectives and roadmap.

Measuring social and environmental impact

of the company's activity.

Transition to a circular economy

strategy, objectives and actions.
