Impact Forum S2B

VIII Ship2B Impact Forum arrives

The VIII S2B Impact Forumthe leading congress on the impact economy, will be held between 24 and 26 November to discuss the real transformationThe transition from ideas to facts, the changes in models and the advantages and difficulties involved in putting them into practice. 

The first day will focus on the companies and startups that are transforming. They will talk to entrepreneurs and business people who are driving impact and who are facing different challenges as they scale up.

This first day will feature speakers such as Saskia BruystenYunus Social Business co-founder and CEO, who will explain her experience of how the impact-driven model can be both profitable and scalable in a session with Maria Angeles Leonco-founder and CEO of the Open Value Foundation, a Oscar Pierrewith whom we will analyse the difficulties that can be encountered on the road to impact in a startup like Glovo.

Towards a new sustainable economic model

The second day of the Impact Forum, which will focus on the facilitators of transformationThe European Commission and the European Commission, which provide support to these companies and entrepreneurs, whether through acceleration, funding or regulation.

This session will be opened by Sir Ronald Cohenthe father of impact economics and chairman of Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG). Cohen, who will analyse what needs to be done to transform companies and generate a new economic model based on sustainability.

In addition, the following will participate Filipe Almeida (NAB Portugal), Stéphanie Goujon (French Impact) and José Luis Ruiz de Munaín (SpainNAB) to analyse the role of the public sector in facilitating or even accelerating this process of economic innovation.

And since today more than ever a powerful narrative is vital to build a future with the conviction that it is worth working for, international leaders in constructive journalism such as Alfredo Casares (Institute for Constructive Journalism), Tina Rosenberg (The New York Times) and Ulrik Haagerup (Constructive Institute) will examine the role of journalism in this transformation.

Tim Jackson (Center for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity) will close the day with a discussion on the need for "Reshaping capitalism to drive real change". Capitalism has been the engine of our modern societies, it has brought innovation and wealth, but it has also led to excesses, such as inequalities and environmental damage. The question is, how can we put the economic engine and finance at the service of people and the planet?

Corporate impact strategies

The final day of the VIII Impact Forum Congress will bring together investors and CEOs of large companies to share ideas on the implementation of impact strategies and business model changes, while analysing the challenges of this integration, the involvement of management in enabling change and the role of investment in driving this transformation.

Speakers in this analysis will include such distinguished speakers as Cliff Priorof the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG), Bertrand Badréby Blue like an orange capital, Keimpe Keuningof LGT Capital Partners, Cristina Marsalfrom Sandman. Firoz LadakCEO of the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations, or Maria Peñaof ICEX.

All information on the Ship2B Impact Forum can be found on its website at websiteFind out more about business impact in the Transcendent blog!

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