Transcendent joins the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) partner club

    Transcendent, the Spanish consulting firm specialized in Corporate Social Impact, has become a reference partner of the WBA (World Benchmarking Alliance) in our country. This international organization based in the Netherlands works to create an ecosystem that encourages and accelerates the efforts of companies to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that the United Nations defined in 2015.

    The World Benchmarking Alliance, created among others by the United Nations Foundation, has more than 150 members, including private companies, international and civil society organizations such as UNICEF, ABN-Amro, Oxfam, Thompson Reuters, Aviva, ING, WWF and Cambridge University, among others. It should be noted that WBA is supported by the Dutch, British and German governments.

    Climate change, human rights, digital inclusion, gender equality, social transformation and sustainable agriculture are the core axes of the WBA's actions, which, globally and systematically, analyzes to promote the implementation of all kinds of measures to advance the fulfillment of the SDGs set by the United Nations.

    “We are very pleased to welcome Transcendent to our club and look forward to collaborating with them in our mission to create a movement that encourages business impact -particularly with the 21 Spanish companies that make up SDG2000- working for a sustainable future for all”, said Paulina Murphy, Engagement Director of the World Benchmarking Alliance.

    In this regard, the inclusion of Transcendent in this alliance represents for the Spanish consultancy a boost to its management and its focus of action, which revolves around accelerating corporate social impact, helping Spanish companies to incorporate both social and environmental impacts at the center of their activities.

    “At Transcendent, we work every day to incorporate social and environmental impact at the core of our clients' business. Joining the WBA alliance is a natural step for us, as we want to contribute to shaping the private sector so that companies move towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, just as the WBA has been doing until now. We believe that measurement and analysis are key to fostering business impact and the one carried out by the WBA is ahead in this long-distance race to make this a reality”, explained Angel Pérez Agenjo, founder and Leading Partner of Transcendent.

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    Cristina, communication leader at Transcendent

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