The climate emergency, the current economic context and changing consumption patterns pose environmental, social and business risks for companies in the sector. At the same time, opportunities are created for those who are able to identify and seize them.
  • Issuance of greenhouse gases: costs arising from compliance with emission regulations.
  • Management of the water: water expenditure and reduced availability in areas of water scarcity.
  • Generation of waste: including production, supply chain and last phase of the product life cycle.
  • Employment practices: human rights and labour conditions along the supply chain.
  • Management of the demographic change: impact on demand and the labour market.
  • Chain of sustainable and transparent supply: risk of scandal and reputational damage.
  • Potential impact on transition costs towards more sustainable models.
  • Management of the uncertainty and volatility of the current environment and impact on procurement costs.
  • Growth of the e-commerce.
  • Excess of certifications and seals in terms of sustainability, loss of credibility.
  • Growing interest of shoppers for sustainable products with a positive impact.
  • Sustainable products such as sales engine.
  • Differentiation and competitive advantage: leading sustainability in the sector.
  • Circularity: circular business models.
  • Innovation to create sustainable alternatives.
  • Optimisation of the value chain processes.
  • Use of new technologies, such as AI, to optimise demand forecasting and thus adjust production, minimising waste generation; or blockchain to improve traceability.
We provide expertise and support to help mitigate risks and seize opportunities specific to this sector.


Defining the business purpose

and incorporation into the company's activity.

Materiality analysis

identification of the sustainability issues that generate the greatest risks and opportunities.

Strategic sustainability plan

setting objectives, indicators and actions to achieve them.

Responsible supply chain management:

GHG emissions, water use, waste generation, labour practices...

Transition to a circular economy

strategy, objectives and actions.

Measuring social and environmental impact

of the company's activity.

ESG risk mitigation plan
