Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals developed by a company

The Insights team at B Lab Global has just published SDG Insight Report 2021a report that looks at where companies are prioritising their actions around the SDGs, how they are performing and what they are looking to improve.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The measures on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by business risk stagnating. At the same time, the challenges facing the planet are getting worse, meaning that business performance towards achieving the SDGs is falling further and further behind. With less than a decade to achieve them, a course correction is needed, and business has a critical role to play in accelerating the pace of achieving the SDGs.

The Insights team of B Lab Global has produced a report taking an in-depth look at where companies are prioritising their actions on the SDGs, how they are being implemented and what they are looking to improve.

Among the conclusions of the report, it is worth highlighting the confirmation that companies need to be more ambitious and strategic in their actions on the Sustainable Development Goals if we hope to achieve them by 2030.

You can download the full report and read more about this report here videoFind out more about sustainable business development in our blog!

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